Technique and plans


David Loeffel

Andreas Jeger

Denim Szram

Gare du Nord
Abt. Technik
Schwarzwaldallee 200
4058 Basel

Information for guest performance Sound and Light

Additional equipment can be hired optionally, costs will be carried by organizers.
Orders and material reservations are to be forwarded to the technicians 14 work days prior to the event.

Gare du Nord can only provide one technician per day. Six technical hours of CHF 60 per performance are included. Additional hours will be charged separately: Hourly rate up to ten hours CHF 60.- per hour. Hourly rate for ten hours or more CHF 80.- per hour.

Attention! Technique hours are not included for private rentals! The costs are CHF 80.- per hour from the first hour.

Preparatory services and materials will be charged additionally.

An event is deemed to have ended when all equipment has been returned to its original place and the concert hall has been locked.

seating plan

lighting plan

list of materials

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