Camerata Variabile © zVg
«Ubu enchaîné» (Ubu in Chains), a pataphysical play by the French symbolist Albert Jarry, leads us through the programme with its five acts. Many of the short pieces, partly aleatoric, partly improvised, partly music-theatrical in nature, become a kind of fragmentary theatre music and the musicians themselves become semi-staged characters.
Guests: Hans Feigenwinter (piano), Salomé Im Hof (acting/directing), Anne-May Krüger (mezzo-soprano); Camerata Variabile: Sascha Armbruster (saxophone), Matthias Arter (oboe), Karin Dornbusch (clarinet), Rui Lopes (bassoon), Helena Winkelmnann (violin/basic musical concept), Christoph Dangel (cello), N.N. (percussion); collaboration with the composition class of the Bern University of Music
Minirecitatives of the composition class (HKB). World premiere for soprano and/or narrator, percussion, oboe, saxophone, violin, cello
Hans Feigenwinter (*1965): Improvisations
Xavier Dayer (*1972): «Dans un lointain sommeil» for mezzo-soprano, alto saxophone and percussion
John Cage (*1912): «Songbooks» (2012)
«Dos à dos» for clarinet and soprano saxophone
→ Tickets
Please note: This event is not included in the GdN season ticket.
120 minutes, with break