Tu 20:00
Friendly Takeover

Friendly Takeover 8 – Marie Delprat

«Ethereal Realms – all fiction is metaphor»

«Ethereal Realms – all fiction is metaphor» ist ein Solo der elektronischen Musikerin Marie Delprat im Rahmen einer performativen Installation, inspiriert von Ursula K. Le Guins feministischem Science-Fiction-Roman «Die linke Hand der Finsterniss» aus dem Jahr 1969. Inmitten einer kontrastreichen Klanglandschaft, zwischen Barock und Elektronik, reflektieren wir über die Komplexität von Identität und Verbindung.
Le Guin behauptet, dass alle Fiktion metaphorisch ist. In unserer Fiktion sind die Linien des Geschlechts, des Werdens, der Zugehörigkeit und der Welterschaffung nicht einfach dieses, jenes oder keines von beiden; sie sind alle etwas, das sich die Menschheit noch nicht vorgestellt hat.

Prior to this, the Colombian-Swiss musician Marianna Angel will play a solo-set at the Bar du Nord. Marianna Angel (*1992) is a classically trained pianist who specialises mainly in 20th and 21st century music. She is also a composer and improviser. Her music covers a broad spectrum, ranging from classical and impressionistic to experimental and pop genres.


Marie Delprat (concept/music/performance), Aïda Gabriëls (concept/direction), Katelyn King (concept/dramaturgy), mentalKLINIK (scenography), Maxime Le Saux (sound design), Elia Hüber (lights), Maarten van Mulken (costumes), David Koch (distortion/e-guitar (recording)), Maxine Devaud / oh la la – perfoming arts production (production), Dampfzentrale Bern & Gare du Nord Basel (coproduction); Marianna Angel (piano)


20:00 Bar du Nord: Marianna Angel (*1992): Solo set for Prophet 08, piano and midi controller; original compositions with quotations from works of the 20th century 25'
20:45 Concerthall: Marie Delprat (*1991): «Ethereal Realms» (2023) 50’


Note/Warning: Stroboscopic effects are used in this performance. Epileptic seizures may be triggered under certain flash frequencies.


50 minutes, no break


CHF 35.-/25.-/15.- (free choice at the box office or in advance)
Free admission applies to persons with residence permit N, F or S. / CHF 5.- students of the Hochschule für Musik FHNW and the Musicology Seminar of the University of Basel / CHF 10.- members Colourkey and children under 12 years.




New Pricing Policy

With the start of the season 22/23, a new pricing policy will apply at Gare du Nord.
Guests can now choose their own admission price between three different price levels.
CHF 35.- / 25.- / 15.-


Support the local music scene and give the gift of culture. Gift vouchers for Gare du Nord can be ordered in any amount at any time here or by e-mail.

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Tel. +41 61 683 13 13


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Persons with a residence permit N, F or S.

Season tickets

Prices freely selectable CHF 350.- / 250.- / 150.-

Season tickets are available for purchase at the door or can be ordered via →E-Mail