Tu 19:00
Bar du Nord
Lecture Series «Ein Haus...»

Vortragsreihe «Ein Haus...»: «Ko-Produktionen»: Dichtes Dorf

Institut Architektur FHNW

Fotografie des Seiler Linhart Spalihof Sachsel

Seiler Linhart Spalihof Sachseln © Rasmus Norlander

This season's «Ein Haus…» lectures will focus on the positions of architects from different perspectives on the subject of material & space based on selected projects and their architectural, cultural, political, social and ecological relevance.

«Ein Haus…» is a series of lectures in which buildings are presented in detail. This allows the different views of the architects to be recognised. The focal points of the presentations vary; they range from urban planning premises to constructional challenges, from historical references to social ambitions.


Søren Linhart (Seiler Linhart Architekten), Corinne Wigger, Josi Wigger


Bar open from 6pm and after the lecture.

Admission only via the café/station concourse!


60 minutes, no break


Admission free



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