Th 20:00
Music Theater/Performance

ohne X und ohne U

Kollektiv ox&öl & Lara Stanić

The musical theatre piece «ohne X und ohne U» is a tribute to the Basel author Adelheid Duvanel and her outsider characters. Former radio presenter Andreas Müller-Crepon takes to the stage with 12 historical radio sets that served as a mouthpiece to the world, as communication devices and miracle machines, and which are being replaced by modern, adaptive AI robots, the so-called «healing robots», which were used during the pandemic with a «hug mode» for lonely people.
Literary critic Beatrice von Matt says: «An extremely impressive text, sound and radio installation. It has a lasting effect. Rarely have sentences by this poet seemed so light and witty to me as in this selection. Yet subtle nonetheless».


Simone Keller (piano/swyzerörgeli/objects); Andreas Müller-Crepon (speaker/recorder/trombone/objects); Lara Stanić (composition/piccolo/teapot/objects); Adelheid Duvanel (text); Philip Bartels (staging); Stefania Samadelli (costumes); Philip Tschiemer (sound engineering); Markus Brunn (lighting); Ljubo Majstorović (robotics); Julia Schmincke (make-up); Kathrin Veser (Œil extérieur); Maja Baumgartner, Jasmina Pfister (robot voices); Annelis Berger, Hugo Bigi, Marco Caduff, Adelheid Duvanel, Florian Hauser, Gabriela Kaegi, Eva Oertle, Cécile Olshausen, Regi Sager Olshausen, Regi Sager, Verena Speck (radio voices), Pirmin Vogel (8.11.DSGS translation)


7.11. Audience discussion afterwards
8.11. Introduction at 19:00 with DSGS translation, performance in German and in DSGS (Swiss German Sign Language)


75 minutes, no break


CHF 35.-/25.-/15.- (free choice at the box office or in advance)
Free admission applies to persons with residence permit N, F or S. / CHF 5.- students of the Hochschule für Musik FHNW and the Musicology Seminar of the University of Basel / CHF 10.- members Colourkey and children under 12 years.
