Fr 20:00


Ensemble Phoenix Basel

Immanent musical and theatrical fireworks for and with Svea Schildknecht: György Ligeti's only opera «Le Grand Macabre» is based on a play by the Belgian poet Michel de Ghelderode, who, along with Eugène Jonesco, Alfred Jarry and Samuel Beckett, is an important representative of absurd theatre. Elgar Howard, who rehearsed the opera for its premiere, created the arrangement of three arias for coloratura soprano and ensemble. The German composer Manfred Stahnke, who studied with Ligeti in Hamburg and now teaches composition there, wrote his work «Lumpengalerie» based on a recorded improvisation that was reworked into a sextet. South Korean composer Unsuk Chin wrote the ensemble piece «Gougalon» after visiting the suburbs of Seoul and remembering the old, impoverished neighbourhood from the 1960s where she spent her childhood. She describes the work as «imagined folk music».


Svea Schildknecht (colouratura soprano), Ensemble Phoenix Basel:
Christoph Bösch (flute), Antje Thierbach (oboe), Toshiko Sakakibara (clarinet), Edurne Santos Arrastua (bassoon), Aurélien Tschopp (horn), Nenad Marković (trumpet), Antonio Jiménez Marín (trombone), Denise Wambsganß (mandolin), Daniel Stalder (timpani, percussion), João Carlos Pacheco (percussion), Kirill Zvegintsov (piano/celesta), Kirill Zvegintsov. (piano), Friedemann Treiber (violin), Daniel Hauptmann (violin), Petra Ackermann (viola), Martin Jaggi (violoncello), Stéphanie Meyer (violoncello), Aleksander Gabryś (double bass), Jürg Henneberger (musical director)


Manfred Stahnke (*1951): «Lumpengalerie» for six instruments (1999)

György Ligeti (1923-2006): «Mysteries of the Macabre» for colouratura soprano and ensemble (1974-1977, arr. Elgar Howarth 1992)

Unsuk Chin (*1961): «Gougalon – Scenes from a Street Theater» for large ensemble (2009/11)


19:00 Concert introduction with Jürg Henneberger


60 minutes, no break


CHF 35.-/25.-/15.- (free choice at the box office or in advance)
Free admission applies to persons with residence permit N, F or S. / CHF 5.- students of the Hochschule für Musik FHNW and the Musicology Seminar of the University of Basel / CHF 10.- members Colourkey and children under 12 years.



New Pricing Policy

With the start of the season 22/23, a new pricing policy will apply at Gare du Nord.
Guests can now choose their own admission price between three different price levels.
CHF 35.- / 25.- / 15.-


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Persons with a residence permit N, F or S.

Season tickets

Prices freely selectable CHF 350.- / 250.- / 150.-

Season tickets are available for purchase at the door or can be ordered via →E-Mail