Su 20:00


Ensemble Phoenix Basel

For his new setting of the silent film classic «Nosferatu – Eine Symphonie des Grauens» (1922), which was premiered at the Bern Music Festival in 2017, Jannik Giger drew on set pieces from soundtracks to films by David Lynch and Alfred Hitchcock as well as fragments from the Romantic sound world of Franz Schubert. These reminiscences haunt the score, on the one hand as played samples and on the other as new compositions for fourteen instrumentalists, thus linking the historicity of the film with the present of its performance. In the transformation of these traces of the sounding past and their juxtaposition with live musicians, Giger blurs the dividing lines between real and virtual sound production. He dissolves the conventional film-musical orchestral sound by overwriting it with a sound collage of alienated orchestral sounds. This has an intoxicating sonic sensuality and fits skilfully into Friedrich Wilhelm Murnau's poetic imagery, underlining the dramaturgy of the film and yet remaining an independent unit of meaning. Furthermore, Giger's composition repeatedly identifies its level of quotation as such and thus becomes a reflection on the nature and effect of film music. (Moritz Achermann)


Ensemble Phoenix Basel: Christoph Bösch (flute), Toshiko Sakakibara (bass clarinet), Mihaly Fliegauf (contraforte), Aurélien Tschopp (horn), Michael Büttler (trombone), Daniel Stalder (percussion), Mauricio Silva Orendain (arciorgano ), Kirill Zvegintsov (piano), Samuel Wettstein (piano), Friedemann Treiber (violin), David Sontòn Caflisch (violin), Petra Ackermann (viola), Stéphanie Meyer (cello), Martin Jaggi (cello), N.N. (electronics), Jürg Henneberger (musical direction)


Jannik Giger (*1985) / Friedrich Wilhelm Murnau (1888-1931): «Nosferatu – Eine Symphonie des Grauens» for ensemble and electronics (with film) (2017)


90 minutes, no break


CHF 35.-/25.-/15.- (free choice at the box office or in advance)
Free admission applies to persons with residence permit N, F or S. / CHF 5.- students of the Hochschule für Musik FHNW and the Musicology Seminar of the University of Basel / CHF 10.- members Colourkey and children under 12 years.



New Pricing Policy

With the start of the season 22/23, a new pricing policy will apply at Gare du Nord.
Guests can now choose their own admission price between three different price levels.
CHF 35.- / 25.- / 15.-


Support the local music scene and give the gift of culture. Gift vouchers for Gare du Nord can be ordered in any amount at any time here or by e-mail.

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Tel. +41 61 683 13 13


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Persons with a residence permit N, F or S.

Students of the Academy of Music FHNW and of the Seminar of Music of the University Basle will still enjoy an entry fee of CHF 5.-.
Colourkey holders and children under 12 years will pay CHF 10.-

Season tickets

Prices freely selectable CHF 350.- / 250.- / 150.-
The season tickets include almost all events of the season 22/23.

Benefits of a season ticket: You can collect your ticket at the evening door and do not need a reservation. The seats for holders of season tickets will be blocked up to 15 minutes prior to showtime.

Season tickets are available for purchase at the door or can be ordered via →E-Mail

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