Sa 10:00

«Concert Tours»

Kompositionswerkstatt NOB

In the composition workshop of the New Orchestra Basel (NOB), two primary school classes compose their own musical pieces and perform them themselves. The starting point for the compositions are the various rooms in which they are performed, their utilisation, their architectural and acoustic characteristics, their past. The pieces will be performed as part of a guided tour of the Gare du Nord premises with architectural-historical impulses and social perspectives: Old and new stories enter into a dialogue, the hidden is made to resound.


Social aspects: Désirée Meiser, Gare du Nord
Architectural-historical impulses: Sarah Hummel, architect

Participating classes:

Class 6C, Bläsi primary school
Workshop leader: Miguel Ángel García Martín
Trombonist NOB: László Villányi
Music teacher: Milena Witzemann

Class 5A, Neubad primary school
Workshop leader: Martin Metzger
Cellist NOB: Josep-Oriol Miró Cogul
Music teacher: Nora Kaiser

Project management NOB: David Lichtsteiner
Gare du Nord mediator: Alina Inserra

Co-operation partners: Neues Orchester Basel and Open House Basel

Supported by the Department of Culture Basel-Stadt


Concert tours at 10:00, 10:30, 11:00 &11:30 a.m.


Booking required at -> Open House Basel


-> Open House Basel